I really liked doing this, not only for the fun element, but I went back to some basics and used pastels more. On the last post I talked of trying a moodier side! But after playing around this week I'm beginning to believe it was more about the vibrancy the markers are producing rather than the images themselves. This started as a rough doodle in the ever faithful moleskine, and then transferred onto pastel paper. The first cut was scrapped as I found the markers were bleeding on the paper, so a cup of tea and a re-think later and the final sketch came to life. I've found I can still incorporate the markers if layered over pastel's. It really is the joy of art, being able to experiment with different mediums.
SO, we come onto another subject! Digitally edited or drawn images.... Ive been scouring the net, as per normal, its a great source of inspiration. There's so many wonderful artists out there producing digital pictures. Now I'm no tech wizard, but Ive obviously toyed with the idea for several reasons. Since starting the blog I've tried scanning, taking pictures to even sending off to a printer to scan and put onto disc. All of which never seemed to give the clarity I was after. Then my eldest, otherwise known as 'tall boy', introduced me to the basics of PS (photoshop). Its a fantastic tool for transferring raw images from camera to blog. But there's a whole other world inside PS beyond plain & simple photo editing. My dilemma on this image was the writing!!!! I hate my writing at the best of times, and I have very little need to write things manually on a day to day basis. Even my work is several screens and programmes that, surprisingly, I conquer! Now I love nothing more than to sit drawing something manually. I love having the sides of my hands all rainbow coloured from resting on a piece. So to PS the writing onto this image felt like a cheat! I um'd and ar'd for days over this. But in the end decided not to.... It will be something I have a play around with at a later date.... SO if the writing isn't straight or perfect, well, no it wont be because it's done by hand and I'm far from perfect!!!!