Sunday 27 March 2011


I don't know if its post Op, Cabin fever or just plain old Artistic block, but I've had a moment. This weeks IF was sent through 'TOY' is the word.... and I've been staring at a blank sheet for days now! I think I'm just going to have to just walk away from it this time as having a bad week after my Op......

Monday 21 March 2011

IF - Cultivate

This weeks IF is Cultivate.
I have been asked by number 2 son if he could be a subject as its always Belle Bee (Eli), so here it is little man! Introducing Lewligan!!!!!!!! I thought Lewis would be more inclined to cultivate something grose and slimey rather than anything pretty or floral......

Saturday 19 March 2011

Thank You from the Heart

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who's showing an interest in the blog! Especially the kids who are showing such enthusiasm..... Eli, I'm sure yours has nothing what so ever to do with the fact that your almost a bonafide cartoon character!!!! This all started as somewhere to vent my artistic stumblings, but has now become something much more... with that, I now have a stash of pictures and no where to put them. If anyone genuinely has an interest in one of these please contact me to discuss details. They are all originals, not prints, and highly unlikely to ever be reproduced as there's just so many more ideas swimming around my head! email me @ Genuine interest only please :D x

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day mom. x X x

Bubble and Pop

Ive been working on a piece that I wasn't going to post, well not until next week! I then started feeling guilty for not doing something in between. So I came up with this little one...... However Ive now got this weeks IF to do, so have decided to post them both anyway! Enjoy. And have a sunny weekend. x

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011

Little Star

I have to say, when I first thought of this I didn't envisage exactly how long this would take!!!! you live and learn as they say. Getting the night sky but keeping the stars as bright as possible has been an eye opener! I could have totally cheated and PS'd some neon stars in afterwards, but then I'd be staring at a very dull and dark sky on the original that's on the wall in my little work area....... its all experience

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pocket Money - Walking Mavis

Wow! Its not very often I get to say this, but I've had a whole week at the desk! I'm posting this one now, and there's a couple more that are still in tweaking stage..... I also managed to sketch the spring bunny (earlier post) which then also featured in this weeks IF. You know when you sit back and feel like you've accomplished a heck of a lot? Yep, that's me this week....

Saturday 5 March 2011

Spring Shower

I needed something to remind me it actually now Spring! The daffodils in the garden say it is, but its still so cold! At least the rain seems to have stopped, if only for a while.