Wednesday 21 March 2012

Paper Couture

I'm getting more and more fidgety now in not being able to do any real drawing, it really does hurt too much, I've been trying to keep myself thoroughly occupied with bits and pieces. Whilst Digital drawing is easier on the hand, as I explained there is a lot going on that I cant post right now. So as to fill some gaps whilst the healing process continues I've been crafting again....  There's nothing more satisfying than getting scraps of paper, old books and bits lying around in boxes and turning it into something.  I have piles and piles of stock card, so I've been looking and things to do with it. E' Voila!  These are a little gift, but I really love them and have already been asked to make another for someone. Paper Couture!!!!  Cute. x

Monday 19 March 2012


Ive finally finished the digital version of Maud. There's always lots going on in the background, and there's a few more bits n pieces to come from Maud and her friends .  But here she is, full version.  Enjoy x

Friday 16 March 2012


Ok folks, So first of all Ive got to apologise for lack of posts! And to be fair I probably should have put a post up to explain why there has been lack of posts!!

6 weeks ago I broke both my hand & my wrist. 2 for the price of one! I'm still strapped up and waiting now for an op to fix it all :(  very grumpy as I've been so limited as to what I can do. Certainly not able to draw anything as cant put any real pressure on it all. However. On a plus side I've been exploring new avenues. One of which has been the whole Scrapping  side of the art world.  So it was time to dig out some old pictures that went into the big leather chest also known as the pending box, and do something constructive. I've also been heavily into Digital Scrapping, Scrapodex and have been totally blown away by Zentangles......  So whilst there are little or no posts for a while, there is plenty going on in the background. :)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Animal Instinct!

Keeping on the theme of animal prints, a little Zebra inspired Bra.  Yes there will be matching briefs... just in case I get run over at any point, I wouldn't want to be caught without matching ACEO's now would I.  I shan't ramble on too much on this post as I think I've said all I need to on these.. :)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Another ACEO - Oh go on then!

Yes, Yes!..... I can hear all the grumbles! But as I confessed on the last post I am well and truly hooked.  AND, need I remind you, there is as much effort in these natty little cards as there is on a larger piece. That said, I  moved slightly away  from the norm  to do something a little more adult like! They'll be a few more to this series too.  The basque I posted early 2011 was such a hit I had a few commission pieces, and there's nothing like some pretty undies to get a girls heart pumping and purse pulsing - that and shoes of course! but don't get me started on shoes.....

So, my ACEO rampage continues, and I managed to purchase a little box to hold them in with clear sleeves that they will be sold in. Ive also asked number#1 son to make me a little mobile studio so that I  can take photos of them then & there. I'm very impatient when it comes to posting, and with larger pieces I have to wait until daylight.  Hopefully when the mini studio is completed I will be able to take pictures at all hours..... a god send for the rest of the household, as they will no longer have to listen to my gripes as I try to take not so clear pics in the evening after I complete another little ACEO.  I apologise for the clarity in colour of this one..... but on the other hand I just couldn't wait to post it. To me once it's posted it means I can crack on and start the next one.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Hooked on ACEO's

Yet another cute ACEO -I'm hooked to say the least. The only problem is the more I sit doing these, the more I'm putting off finishing the final tidy up in my studio area!!!!! They're just fun to sit and do in front of the fire after a day at work, rather than sitting at my desk and getting all my materials out..... I will get round to the final clear up though!

In the meantime,  it's Little Lamb again. I'm hoping to do a few more of her as a series. Mixed media, predominantly Polychromos with a little pastels,  but there's added texture this time from white acrylic paint. Its quite nice to get back to polychromos after going digital.

Monday 9 January 2012

Little Lamb

So, the Christmas break is well and truly over! And I have to say what a fab time I've had.   For the first time in years I actually had a proper break, managed to make some of my favourite festive recipes, had dinner parties and even went out New Years Eve! It was so nice not to have Christmas day off then be dashing back to work... 

But with all the festivities comes the big clear up. My drawing area was demolished to make way for the huge tree we had this year, and on taking that and all the decorations down I embarked on a thorough cleanup and a lick of paint!  I thought I may as well seeing as how it was going to take a couple of days to put it back together again anyway..... so whilst I'm not quite able to start cracking on with any major projects I thought I'd start on some ACEO's.  Fun little things that I can sit and do on the sofa of an evening. Hopefully though, by next week I'll be fully up and running...... Just got to get some ideas now.....

For anyone who's an ACEO virgin, as was I until last year...

 Artist trading cards (or ATCs) are miniature works of art about the same size as modern Trading Cards, or 2 ½ X 3 ½ inches (63 mm X 89 mm), small enough to fit inside standard card-collector pockets, sleeves or sheets. The ATC movement developed out of the mail art movement and has its origins in Switzerland. Cards are produced in various media, including dry media (pencils, pens, markers, etc.), wet media (watercolor, acrylic paints, etc.), paper media (in the form of collage, papercuts, found objects, etc.) or even metals or cloth. The cards are usually traded or exchanged. When sold, they are usually referred to as art card editions and originals (ACEOs).