Tuesday, 8 November 2011

IF - Stripes

IF entry, Stripes.

Had my first major PS hiccup today!Had spent some hours doing this little piece for IF, finished and the lost it!!!! Have no idea where it's gone, but after myself, the kids and my techno whizz looked it was decided I'd obviously pressed the 'eject' button somewhere along the line! Ooooh I could have cried :( - so after a mini break of sitting on my hands through shear frustration I salvaged what I could. This isn't exactly what the original piece looked like, but the gist is there.... note to self this week. Save and triple save


  1. Wonderful!! This little bird is adorable, and I love the knit hat and snow boots :)

  2. Holy cow those are some awesome boots. Great bird, great hat, awesome boots. :)

    So sorry you lost your first version but this one is great!

  3. Oh, I've done that before. How frustrating. This one is just beautiful!

  4. happens to everyone at some point - glad you posted this - he's cute!

  5. fantastic!! what a lovely boots!

  6. this is adorable :) i love his boots :D

  7. It's so cute!Great booties! <3

  8. Well I'm glad you had the patience to do it again! It's beautiful and I love the color!

  9. Love this. And, been there..save x10

  10. Beautiful :) Love the textures <3

  11. Oh dear, thats has happened to me. You learn after the first time..save, save, save. Great illustration. Love the gum boots.

  12. Wow! Im completely overwhelmed by all the fab comments. ive been beavering away at christmas card designs and havent checked my blog for a few days! I always think getting seeing comments waiting in your box is like seeing all the presents under the tree! A big thank you thank you to all that have placed a comment, and now as I have finally finished Christmas designs and can put my feet up for a night, I shall have to look at all the posts on this weeks IF. Thank you x
